Earnest (Vocational)
"The Mattress Shop is a manufacturing unit designed to provide the participant an understanding
of the production of a wide variety of fire retardant mattresses. The materials produced by the unit
are standard items used in state and local facilities and universities throughout the state."
Education is part of this. For instance: I had to get my GED.
And for instance: my work will lie under a student
at Buffalo State. I operate the tufting machine. On my buttons
lie students about to get laid, students dreaming of books
and getting laid. Dreaming of stories and science. Never
of their mattress. Never of its tufting machine operator,
tape edge operator, never of its felon. Its spring mattress
assembler. Its twenty-to-life adhesive operator, cutting
machine operator, conditional-release-2021 mattress
sewing machine operator, its GED-2012 stuffing machine
operator, its man.